Letter: A Tribute to Elmore Leonard

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013 | 13.25

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To the Editor:

Re "A Novelist Who Made Crime an Art, and His Bad Guys 'Fun' " (obituary, front page, Aug. 21):

The legendary crime and western novelist Elmore Leonard, who died on Tuesday at 87, helped elevate literary genres once perceived as lowly into a respected and honorable pursuit.

His memorable characters, intriguing plots and elegant prose made him not just a great crime and western writer but a great writer, period.

One could say he was "the Hemingway of the crime genre," as he was direct and to the point, using only the minimum number of words necessary.

The prolific Mr. Leonard, who wrote 45 novels, had the ability to churn out books with the regularity of an automobile assembly line, which is fitting since he lived much of his life in or near Detroit.

What made Mr. Leonard so fascinating was that his villains were often far more interesting and compelling than his "good guys."

Huntington Beach, Calif., Aug. 21, 2013

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