Letter: AIDS Exhibition

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 10 Agustus 2013 | 13.25

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To the Editor:

Hugh Ryan's Aug. 4 Sunday Review essay about the New-York Historical Society's exhibition on the first five years of the AIDS epidemic in New York recognizes the thorough research and professional expertise that are the basis for the show.

As a scholarly institution, we are careful to avoid straitjacketing our work into single explanatory categories. Mr. Ryan would have us reduce the complex history of the epidemic's earliest stages to homophobia.

As the audio tour, offered free as part of the exhibition visit, makes clear with first-person comments by a range of activists, doctors, researchers and other figures, the story deserves to be told without shying away from any of the central issues and without pursuing a narrow agenda.

I am glad that Mr. Ryan praises us for dealing with the important topic of the early years of AIDS in New York.

President and Chief Executive
New-York Historical Society
New York, Aug. 5, 2013

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